Monday, May 12, 2008

Welcome to The Trailer!!

Welcome to The Trailer!! Pull up a banana chair or just curl up on on the green shag carpeting.... don't mind the stains! It may be a little cramped in here, and it may smell a like 3 day old pizza and mildew, but it's home, and we hope you like it here! This page is a tribute to our small insignificant lives and we will try to share our interesting experinces as well as out likes and dislikes. For instance - we like Chuck Norris. He's just cool. Mr. T is also cool. I could probably rattle off a long list of eighties TV characters, metal bands, and convenience store snacks (Slurpees and Hostess cakes) but I think you get the idea.

This is the crusty & cute blog of Jim and Amy MacNair! We are a goofy couple living in the northern panhandle of Idaho. We live in a small two bedroom apartment with 3 stuffed monkeys and a wooden duck. Idaho is a wonderful place to live and we're grateful to be able to live in a beautiful, friendly, Republican area.

Jim is a tall slightly overweight redhead who works for Buck Knives as an industrial designer. He draws pictures all day and loves his job. Amy is a fun loving girl, currently seeking employment in the field of education, and enjoys scrapbooking, photography, and is learning the magic of photoshop. We both love the outdoors, hiking, kayaking, Butt-Rock (80's hair bands), ducks, motorcycles, guns, and pretty scrapbook paper.

Here is a picture of Jim and Amy. We're trying to look pretty here. Gaze upon all of our majesty!

We will try to keep this blog up to date with our exploits and adventures, although we are just coming out of a long winter, so most of our activities have involved the couch, the TV, and the DVD player. We've also spent too much time shopping, so like any red blooded American consumers, we will share our most recent purchases so we can show how much better than you we are!!

Well, now that we've shown how weird, smelly, and arrogant we are, we'll take a break. However, there will be more to come.... remember, you've been warned!

10-4 good buddy!! Over and out!


Ash & Tim said...

Hurray you have a blog. Now you have to do better than the rest of your family at keeping it updated. We except to see lots of pictures even if it is just of you two watching tv or a dvd. Happy blogging!

april said...

wahoo!!! glad you're blogging. love the posters.

Unknown said...

I will definitely show this to Jerry (my husband) because he has a place in his heart for Chuck baby as well as tactical firearms (our dog's name is XD). Jerry has a daily quote about Chuck Norris on his home page-boys! Would love to see you guys in June when you come.